Latest tweet  says that one more website down from the Govt. of Turkey is  Eskişehir governor’s official website– taken down.

The tweet made by Sector505 Hackers Group, about half an hour ago, after we saw the tweet, we checked out the website and found the site Down, which says:

Website down

RedHack Facebook account posted the website photo and write:

Republic of Turkey Ministry of Eskişehir Governorship Web site-ökertıldi by @Sector505 because of injustice. Tweet from @sector505

Many of Turkish Govt. website were hacked and defaced by RedHack and Anonymous hackers, even they both stands on the top of the list if hackers who hacked Turkish govt. website, you can see {HERE} the list of damage made by Hackers under #OpTurkey.

Website is still not accessible at the time we are publishing the news.



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