Anonymous Brazil

Anonymous hackers currently working on their various hacking operations and recent news is from Anonymous Brazil, actually according to tweet they claimed to hack the Military Police Documents of Mato Grosso (A state of Brazil).

Documents they leaked were uploaded on and ready to download for everyone, after the tweet we also downloaded the documents, in the documents there are divided into 7 parts from the year 2000-2007, in every folder there are many .pdf files related to the Military.

Anonymous Hacker tweet regarding this Leak:

We cannot explain more about the documents because we are not well in Brazilian Language but these claims cannot be ignored and this could be a Fake Leak also, if something like this will happen, we will update the News according to that.

We have a screenshot of the Files we downloaded:


Anonymous already hacked many stuffs during #OpBrazil and We  reported last hack about the Anonymous Hacker who claimed to leak the Turkey Finance Ministry documents


  1. Up: The documents are really from military police of Mato Grosso, i’m Brazilian and can confirm that..
    In the .rar we can see intern documents like exemptions from positions, time of vacations and much more…

  2. maillot psg…

    ce qui a conduit le gouvernement allemand à annoncer des mesures pour renforcer les contr?les et les possibilités de sanctions à légard de lindustrie agroalimentaire? et une maillot psg est prévue vendredi à Bobigny! comme la plupart des dirigeants nor…


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